The ultimate washing pack with our most popular combination of gear. These products were all created as a system to dramatically reduce the chance of ever getting swirls or micro-scratching your paint while washing. You also get a cool bag :).
Nanolicious Wash
A beautiful wash that has exceptional cleaning power as well as leaving a lovely protective finish. We custom created this wash to have super dense and lubricating suds that encapsulate and suspend dirt and grit away from the paint.
Shagtastic Wash Pad
Our new wash pad, for a fast and outta-sight clean! It uses a groovy blend of funky fibres work together to give a blissful, safe wash experience. Plush shag pile creates a deep & soft cleaning surface, to prevent grit and grime from swirling delicate paint.
Big Green Sucker
Super absorbant and awesome to use, this towel is the single best drying tool we have ever used. With its soft, deep plush pile microfibre it again minimises the chance of scratching from if you missed a bit while washing (yes we all do it).
Boss Gloss (125ml)
Our fastest, easy to use detailing spray for a show car shine.
You save nearly $10 off the RRP when purchasing this pack.